If you need Food Call 336-635-1990 or click the button below
Hope Outreach Center
Helping People
Overcome Obstacles
Protect and provide
Encourage one another
The HOPE Outreach Center (HOC) has a monthly food giveaway on the fourth -4th- Saturday of each month from 9-11. Except for November and December which the third Saturday.
We ask a few simple questions for our records, but you do not have to show ID or any other proof. You need food we will get you food.
We are located at 1608 Delaware Ave. When you arrive please pull in to the parking lot and wait for a counselor to come to your car. They will record your information, give you a ticket for your food, and then will ask you if there is anything they can pray with you about. *Prayer is completely optional.*
AFTER you have met with the counselor you will go to the warehouse just down the street where we will load you food box in the vehicle. Please have a space clear for us to place you food. Most months you will receive a box of dry goods and a bag of frozen food. Please be sure to give your ticket to one of our volunteers.
We ask a few simple questions for our records, but you do not have to show ID or any other proof. You need food we will get you food.
We are located at 1608 Delaware Ave. When you arrive please pull in to the parking lot and wait for a counselor to come to your car. They will record your information, give you a ticket for your food, and then will ask you if there is anything they can pray with you about. *Prayer is completely optional.*
AFTER you have met with the counselor you will go to the warehouse just down the street where we will load you food box in the vehicle. Please have a space clear for us to place you food. Most months you will receive a box of dry goods and a bag of frozen food. Please be sure to give your ticket to one of our volunteers.
If you would like to Volunteer to help please click the link below.